Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mr. President

So I met with Tony Kurdzuk last night and he passed me the keys, uh, Street Sign, to the New Jersey Press Photographers Association (NJPPA). He's the outgoing president and so now I'm the newly elected President of the NJPPA. I guess last night was kind of my inauguration (it was at Outback and I had steak), no pomp or circumstance. Well Colin Archer was there too - he's the newly appointed Vice President, not sure if he was the pomp or the circumstance. The street sign came with a Resolution (along with half a dozen other boxes) but the resolution was the highlight - you can read it below:
Well, if you can't read it it basically says
"Whereas, the members of the NJPPA, whose daily contributions to the news media through outstanding photographs enrich our lives; and
Whereas, members of the NJPPA capture the action, the expressions, the feelings and the meaning of life itself through outstanding and award-winning photographs..."
This resolution was given to the NJPPA back in 1981 but it is still relevant, 28 years later, to the photographers I see on the street every day. Their work ethic, pride, professionalism and 'efforts in the art of photojournalism' makes me excited and proud to be a part of this industry.I would really like to thank Tony Kurdzuk. He did a great job as president of the NJPPA for the last few years. Newspapers are struggling and the print media in general is in turmoil. Tony did a great job holding it together along with VP Kevin Wexlar, Secretary Treasurer Reena Rose Sibayan, Clip Contest Chair Tyson Trish, POY Chair Jennifer Brown and Webmaster Cie Stroud. My hat's off to everyone for all their hard work.

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